Why Emergency Shower Water Heater is worth Your Money

Tankless water heater is one that provides hot water whenever you need, without actually storing the hot water. This is why it is also called a demand water heater or an emergency shower water heater . It heats the water directly as it comes through the pipe to the shower through an electric element or a gas-fire system. Although the initial cost of a Tankless Water heater may be high, it will definitely be worthwhile when you look into long term. The following points can help you understand how Tankless water heaters can be better than the conventional ones: Energy Efficient: In case you use about 41 gallons of hot water or so, on a daily basis, a tankless water heater can help you save about 24 to 34% of energy when compared to a conventional one. If you want to save more, you can do so by installing a separate emergency shower water heater for each hot water outlet. By doing so you can save about 50% of your energy costs One water heater for the entire house: While you may have t...